for a video and info about the presentation venues, check this post:
Information about the instrument algorithms and interface strategies are presented in more detail here.
“MyJazzBand” is an interactive musical installation that allows up to four users to play in a virtual jazz band, using a custom-developed graphical interface on a multi-touch display.
Graphical User Interface
The graphical user interface of MJB was implemented in Processing. It presents four virtual keyboards, one on each side of the screen, with piano, trumpet, alto saxophone and tenor saxophone.
Instrument virtual keyboards
Each virtual keyboard has 12 keys. Each key corresponds to a note which is dynamically calculated and assigned on the fly each time a new chord definition arrives.
The setup uses a 47” Displax multi-touch screen. Using the native Displax connect software, the communication with the software is done using OSC and TUIO protocols.
The touch events are sent to Max which then parses the appropriate messages to the software and to the realtime graphics to Processing. The graphics are then sent back to the Displax screen.